
Sign In
2015 Merit Badge Counselor Survey
* Name:
* Email:
* Are you interested in returning as a Merit Badge Counsilor
Have you had YPT
Have you taken merit badge orientation
What merit badge(s) are you interested in? (limit is 10)
Please press enter after each of the merit badges you list. If you list more than 10 we will only accept the first 10 you list (max is 10)

Scout Shop
Phone: 201.651.9743

Scout Shop Hours:
9 am - 6 pm (Mon.) 
9 am - 8 pm (Tues)
9 am - 6 pm (Wed., Thur.)
9 am - 5 pm (Fri)
9 am - 2 pm (Sat.)
Closed Sundays
25 Ramapo Valley Rd., Oakland N.J. 07436 | 201-677-1000  | 
 HOURS: MON - FRI 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM